This Finglas band will be famously remembered for making the much less interesting yet vastly… Read the post#231 Blink – Cello/Five New Friends
Never took much notice of Secret Machines, ‘Nowhere Again’ from their last album was a… Read the post#230 Secret Machines – Alone, Jealous And Stoned
Lotion remind me a little of the Wrens, some by their sweeping music but mostly… Read the post#229 Lotion – Around
Signum’s ‘What Ya Got 4 Me’ was released on the neatly titled Tidy Trax label.… Read the post#228 Signum – What Ya Got 4 Me
A lot of what came out of the trance scene was faceless, the architects of… Read the post#227 The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia
I went through a spell in the late nineties where dance music took over. Despite… Read the post#226 Slam – Positive Education
If you are tracing the Byrds family tree then the Young Tradition are going to… Read the post#225 The Young Tradition – Now You Know
In the mid nineties a small pocket of bands from Dublin hinted that something wonderful… Read the post#224 Luggage – Show Me Around
Casimer Pascal’s band have somehow stayed out the limelight despite a melody charged run of… Read the post#223 PAS/CAL – Poor Maude
The making of a band….. A Young Boy Kneels I Wear Warm Garments Early Each… Read the post#222 Band of Horses – The Great Salt Lake
When Sice decided to take a temporary break from the Boo Radley’s and write his… Read the post#221 Eggman – Not Bad Enough
Neutral Milk Hotel, the Apples In Stereo and Olivia Tremor Control were part of the… Read the post#220 Olivia Tremor Control – Hideaway