Midlake are in Europe as we speak, lining up beside the Flaming Lips and the… Read the post#266 Midlake – Kingfish Pies
A serious case of writers block meant there was a 3-year gap between Gemma Hayes… Read the post#265 Gemma Hayes – Two Step
Ah Sunday mornings, don’t you just love them. No other time provides such an unhurried… Read the post#264 The Late Cord – My Most Meaningful Relationships Are With Dead People
annemarie come from Java in Indonesia. Now put that in your coffee and drink it.… Read the post#263 annemarie – Apple
Apart from the odd foray into noveltyism these narrow taste buds means that most of… Read the post#262 Plan B – Sick 2 Def
If you think you can hear something familiar in this song then you’d be right… Read the post#261 Smudge – Superhero
In October of last year a little known band from Manchester named Alfie broke up.… Read the post#260 Alfie – Bookends
With Thom Yorke’s closely guarded secrets on their way some time this year the rumours… Read the post#259 The Immediate – A Ghost In The House
It’s too easy to be tough on bands that are derivative. After all, have you… Read the post#258 Pugwash – It's Nice To Be Nice
New Zealander Dean Wareham has had an eventful time in the music industry. Since the… Read the post#257 Luna – California (All The Way)
Here’s a nice one to send you to sleep tonight. The band are Pagado and… Read the post#256 Pagoda – Tear Down The Tents
All told 2005 was a pretty good year for post-rock in Dublin when two genuine… Read the post#255 66e – One Cast One Catch