I really can’t understand why Findlay Brown isn’t a global phenomenon. Sure he ain’t exactly… Read the postFindlay Brown – Loneliness I Fear
A new voice emerges from New York City and the world stands back agog at… Read the postBeat The Devil – Shine In Exile
I’ve spent the last few days wondering what I could use as an appropriate soundtrack… Read the postCaribou – Melody Day
From right about now this blog is on temporary hiatus until mid August. The reason… Read the postPower Out
Now this one caught me a little off guard. Right in the middle of an… Read the postÓlöf Arnalds – I Nyju Husi
As a thank you to the weather gods here is a selection of great tunes… Read the postIt Hasn't Rained For 10 Hours, The Summer Has Arrived
I will always link Orbital, Underworld and to a lesser extent the Chemical Brothers together… Read the postOrbital – Funny Break (One is Enough)
Ah, this is the just the tonic for a sleepy head. With a distinct pep… Read the postShoot Charlie – Boaster
No they’re not from Scotland but by the sound of them they probably have been… Read the postA Sunny Day In Glasgow – Things Only I Can See
Ok, it mightn’t sound like much in the opening sequences but boy does this song… Read the postThe Ting Tings – That's Not My Name
Growing up in the musical wasteland of the 1980’s didn’t feel half bad at the… Read the postPete Wylie – Sinful
With a name like that they are probably guaranteed a high google ranking but out… Read the postThe New Pornographers – My Rights, Versus Yours