With headphones on there is a whole lot going on with ‘Thinking of Black’, stripping… Read the postHumdrum Book Club – Thinking of Black
A sprinkling of magic in the air for that opening alright, ‘Spring in Reverse’ is… Read the postMomi – Spring in Reverse
For some reason ‘Good Time’s had me thinking of Christmas and it might be down… Read the postThe Marley Woods – Good Times
Well that is fairly well ripping through it, psychedelically so, so there is a little… Read the postJamie Turner – Hum Drum
Takes its time to reveal itself so the least we could do is slow down… Read the postSlow Animals – Feel The Breeze
‘It Takes Two’ does slink into view with a slacker quality but my does it… Read the postHang Ten – It Takes Two
Sure does offer plenty of distraction, the jangle, the percussion and the dreamy vocals which… Read the postSunfruits – Hello Future Me
There is some serious percussive dimensions to ‘Control’, they never lost control to be fair… Read the postYou Said Strange – Control
The very definition of a grower, you know the kind that you don’t realise will… Read the postCarey Clayton – Pattern of Motions
Nice jangle, echo effects and singer Adam Rhodes with a languid approach but one which… Read the postBox Dreams – Impressions
There is a wild psych sweep here but also something entirely prog so it is… Read the postMoonStag – Someday Is Not a Day of the Week
Any wurlitzer interjections are welcome, even better when those at the controls are so keenly… Read the postBunny Habit – Gregory