You gotta love this Swedish band Second-Hand Furniture, as much for their music as their… Read the postSecond-Hand Furniture – Nice Try Sunshine
More precious sounds from the capital of new music Gothenburg. Is there no end to… Read the postBoat Club – Always Away
You can now buy this song on one of our Indiecater compilations here! Yes this… Read the postCelestial – Fragile Heart
So how do you follow classic indiepop like ‘Hey, Hey, Girl’? Well how about a… Read the postTripping Daisy – Sonic Bloom
Here is an early Christmas present to conjure a certain knowing smile from lovers of… Read the postRocketship – Hey, Hey, Girl
Aaah, Sarah Records and her heavenly (!) army of twee pop janglers. Right at home… Read the postAction Painting! – These Things Happen