Been somewhat diverted with the imminent arrival of tiny hugger number 2 and the small… Read the postApollo Ghosts – What Are Your Influences
Before they neatly landed on our laps courtesy of last year’s ‘Days’ New Jersey band… Read the postReal Estate – Beach Comber
Of course the beauty of Dublin’s The Spook of The Thirteeth Lock is that they… Read the postThe Spook of The Thirteenth Lock – The Brutal Here And Now (Part 1)
Torn between a warped and jangling demeanour early doors ‘Old Boys’ soon hits its groove,… Read the postBishop Morocco – Old Boys
Just an old time sucker for a jangling chord and while the vocals on this… Read the postMagic Bullets – What Took You So Long?
Given the band’s name the jittery piano makes much more sense. And with Omar Delarosa’s… Read the postLittle Insects – Burn The City
The only time ‘Prophecy’ might seem a tad odd is when it kicks into NYE… Read the postAdam & The Amethysts – Prophecy
Ever since I spied the cassette artwork for ‘George Best’ in the hands of a… Read the postThe Wedding Present – You Jane
It has been a while since Glasgow produced something fresh and new. Strange really because… Read the postThe Moth & The Mirror – Fire
A lazy slacker of a tune courtesy of a singer who could well fall asleep… Read the postHooded Fang – Brahma
In the 7 years that this blog has been ambling along we’ve always taken time… Read the postKatie Kim – Your Mountains
Seriously, what did you expect from a band called Pandercakes. Nothing heavy anyway, or experimental… Read the postPandercakes – Paint By Numbers