Louise Wener really was a perfect 90’s frontwoman. Ballsy and opinionated she was the archetypal… Read the postSleeper – Vegas
It has been a few years since the great Bergen breakout and since that intriguing… Read the postAngelica’s Elegy – Rapid Changes
The word Carroll drums up lots of memories, a hotel manager with a keen line… Read the postCarroll – Lead Balloon
There is concerted edginess to the playing on ‘Cast A Shadow’ but for all that… Read the postCoves – Cast A Shadow
If you are as old as me you’ll remember the hirsute, short panced Stourbridge combo… Read the postSPLASHH – Washed Up
Being someone who is not overtly bothered by lyrics or worldly events it is perhaps… Read the postVaadat Charigim – Its OK To Be Afraid
Hardly surprising that Wichita Linemen sought to change their name to Amandine given that Fat… Read the postAmandine – Redemption
At this time of year it takes something special to knock me off my Christmas… Read the postMmoss – Another Dream
Even though there may have been some major label backing involved it would still seen… Read the postGypsy & The Cat – Bloom
A Monday without work is like a Christmas without fighting so to celebrate we’ve decided… Read the postA Monday Compendium
The bands that catch our attention these days would most likely have caught our attention… Read the postHospitality – Friends of Friends
In what has probably been the worst year for indie music albums since this blog… Read the postLord Huron – Brother (Last Ride)