What a very interesting project, one that is unsurprisingly full of life, love and regret… Read the postCharles Van Kirk – James
There something different about Constant Follower, a depth of emotional swells and donned in songs… Read the postConstant Follower – Turn Around For Me
The quietness is what gets you first, the fact that these kind of songs don’t… Read the postPseudoseason – Black Hole
Yes there was a weakening of the knees and on this occasion I can’t put… Read the postHannah Mohan- Time Is A Walnut
A hint of the Kings of Leon but wait not the annoying version that emerged… Read the postMunroe – Thank You Waiter
There’s a folk in passing quality to ‘Goldenrod’, a stream of consciousness that was always… Read the postMount Saint Elias – Goldenrod
One things that really impressed me about ‘Omissions’ was the big production, I could feel… Read the postGeorgia Mulligan – Omissions
Definitely has a Nick Drake vibe going on and the kind that is perfectly suited… Read the postLyndsay Stone – Surrounded (2.0)
There is melancholy wherever you look here but ‘Broke Again’ has a hands in the… Read the postMidnight Pilot – Broke Again
Such a quiet dispatch early doors, the kind you’d set aside for contemplation as it… Read the postPseudoseason – My Paper Mâché
First impressions on ‘Vice’ are stellar, the electricity of that opening gambit indicating the bright… Read the postBent Neck & The Joints – Vice