Could be a lullaby for the kind of sorts that want a little edge to… Read the postEmpired – Bitter Pills
You can tell there is an imagination firing from Denver’s Don Goblin, the sort of… Read the postDon Goblin – Rain
An atmospheric piece and of that there is no doubt. Where French collective Stuffed Foxes… Read the postStuffed Foxes – Pretend to Be a Dog (Gamelle)
Such lively chord jigs, the kind that would remind of Joy Division in the first… Read the post6kitty – June
‘Hot Minute’ offers us a stirring confidence that never feels like it is in our… Read the postSophie Kilburn – Hot Minute
There is a virility to those chords, proper searing an impression into our psyche, a… Read the postWarrens House – Lilac Type
Was giving me some Paul McCartney flashbacks I must admit but given the narrative it… Read the postIdaho Green – Beer. Wings. Sports.
Must say that opening scenes have an off-kilter elegance about it and combined with a… Read the postLoss – Legacy
Must admit to liking the way the chords twinkled like little stars in that opening… Read the postLynn Rosenblood – Wolfcry
Oh so dreamy from Lexi Steinberg and the best thing is that ‘Epiphany’ retains that… Read the postLexi Steinberg – Epiphany
I can see the porch scene clearly, Marcus fetching his thoughts organically and ‘Red House… Read the postMarcus Fetch – Red House Blues
There is just no quarter given to delicate types, Santa Rosa’s Hard Chiller you see… Read the postHard Chiller – Close By