What a gentle work this is, stripped of all excess and getting a kind of… Read the postElvira Alfaro – Vending Machine
The first name that popped into my head was Sufjan Stevens of course, that folk… Read the postTobias Arbo – Powerlines
It was Sufjan Stevens I immediately thought of and that’s no bad thing at all,… Read the postMax García Conover – 5 to 4
‘Sleepwalker’ does have a haunting pallor on its side, the kind of wispy folk manner… Read the postWanderland – Sleepwalker
In this newly infactuated Kate Bush world (what was up with you for so long… Read the postMaja Lena – Portal
‘Never Here’ has a classic sixties tone, the kind that has longevity too for there… Read the postFurrows – Never Here
Always with the patchwork that feels like it can been crafted from a place where… Read the postEliza Edens – Westlawn Cemetery
An old fashioned waltz I said to myself with all the forlorn stirrings that go… Read the postMayya – Breeze Thru My Life
Reminds me of They Might Be Giants, the off-kilter approach where anything goes and often… Read the postColor for Colors – Courtyard
Such slow drama, the slide guitar pointing the way to a form of sadness but… Read the postTalel McBriar – Little Hell
June is the kindest month for that is when the rhododendrons are in full bloom… Read the postMathias Gundhus – June
You’d have to say Sufjan Stevens first and forement for that is whom I thought… Read the postA. Johanson – Your Eyes