Oh this sure did rattle the indie cage we call home and that is not just because we liked the look of the list of infleunces in Bug Seance’s bio, it was also in the racket that they make which doesn’t feel in the least bit put on. In fact it sounded like it was recorded live and in one-take so all the kinks are there along with the glorious combination of dreamy vocals and noisy arrangements. Then you’d have to ask how something so unkempt can brush its hair and tidy itself up so that the mid-section sounds almost clinical and calm by comparison. My instinct is that ‘Trash Bandicoot’ is the breakthrough we were looking for from this band from Portland. No wonder we’re smiling here. KH
mp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:Bug SeanceYear: 2022
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