Ste Guy – I Can Feel It

I know it can be some people’s idea of hell having to listen to endless demos but I love ’em. In fact I am sometimes disappointed when the polished version arrives, preferring the crackle of spontaneity that the demo process often gives songs. So I hope Ste Guy never loses the rhapsody that so infuses his first demo. Stephen is based in Manchester and has a keen melodic ear. He is a fan of Ennio Morricone and Teenage Fanclub (eclectic boy that he is) and it’s the former that informs ‘I Can Feel It’. Although he has a fine voice he lets his whistling persona take centre stage on this song and the result is an affecting stroll. His knack for coining sweet melodies and memorable riffs are like a breath of fresh air in the oft stagnant spaghetti junction of the indie scene. KD

Ste Guy – I Can Feel It

More Info: Official
Year: 2009

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