Dominant Legs – Hoop of Love

Summer is the season for feel-good pop candy, and San Francisco’s Dominant Legs deliver the goods with their new track ‘Hoop of Love’. Upbeat and catchy, the song captures the essence of summer; full of windows-down road-trips, bonfires on the beach, and water ballon fights.

With strummy guitar lines reminiscent of early-80’s Haircut 100 singles, pounding drums and plenty of synths, ‘Hoop of Love’ is a simple pleasure. Highlights include the harmonized boy-girl chorus, and a well-written bridge that changes things up without losing the momentum that makes this summer jam ready for the dance floor.

Dominant Legs’ debut LP, ‘Invitation’ is out this September on Lefse records.

Joseph Avary

Dominant Legs – Hoop of Love

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Lefse
Year: 2011

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