‘Triage’ is an album from ex Tidal District man Noel Duplaa (and friends) as Cfit and is the best thing I’ve heard from an Irish band in a long time. It may not not be for searchers of the immediate hit but boy does it provide value at the rerun stage. The textures are electronic in nature but it’s the male/female voices that resonate most. In the battle for best song the epic ‘Plausible Deniability’ (see the goosebump generating video below) is just ousted by ‘Dig Up’ with Duplaa and Jennifer Roche creating a multifaceted work that hints at the Delgados’ classic ‘Everything Goes Around The Water‘. At the climax he hollers ‘it’s only natural’ and I can’t help but feel that we’ve arrived at one of the most beautiful pieces of music this country has produced for years. Awkwardly anthemic and deserving of a heaving blogosphere worth of plaudits it only suffers by being about a minute or so too short. KD
Cfit – Dig Up
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Cfit
Year: 2011
Wow – where did these guys come out of. Where can you get this album?