This starts out sounding like an contemporary Thom Yorke meander but then I figure it’s still playing so it couldn’t be. The original material is courtesy of Versailles textured pop act Phoenix (from their 2009 album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, the follow-up of which is currently being recorded), a collective we should be all over but have stopped short of honouring on several occasions. Not sure why but it may be because in an odd way they don’t quite make sense. How bloody blog-minded of us then to start bringing up their name just because Animal Collective are in to do some spring cleaning. Seems the electro psychers are quite the fans but not as much as they are of their own music because ‘Love Like A Sunset’ does fit the AC mould quite seamlessly. KD
Phoenix – Love Like A Sunset (Animal Collective Remix)
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Phoenix
Year: 2009
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