Orbital remain the benchmark for thoughtful bleepages down our way. They were purveyors of albums with songs that only truly came alive in the context of their siblings. And that very thought struck me as I sat through Hunter-Gatherer’s debut long player ‘I Dreamed I Was A Footstep In The Trail Of A Murderer’. To look at it one way this could just be a collection of indistinct ambient asides but a bit of careful nurturing reveals a cerebral artist reinventing snivilisation. And the rewards are worth hanging in there for because although they never sound calculated the ideas always seem to add up. I keep returning to ‘Left For Dead’ because it was the one that initially intrigued. The kernel of the tune sports a recurring melody that softly gnaws until you relent, after which it never fails to outlast its welcome. Hunter-Gatherer is at present writing the Serbian entry for our World Cup compilation. KD
Hunter-Gatherer – Left For Dead
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Hunter-Gatherer
Year: 2009
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