#19 Bawl – Mistake

Once there was a band called Bawl, who came to be named Fixed Stars and ended up becoming Pony Club. While a bands moniker has a role to play the key component will always be the quality of the music. So you’d have to question the wisdom of the somewhat overzealous rebranding especially since the output has shifted little since these Dublin lads released their fine debut ‘Year Zero’ (as Bawl) in 1996. Bawl were peddling wholesome harmonies way back when the Thrills were failing height restrictions on the pier in Bray yet the Gods ultimately failed to smile upon them. Here was a group that put the tastic back in pop but were also capable of concealing ironic barbs amongst the candyfloss. ‘Mistake’ is ridiculously simple, both lyrically and musically leaving it instantly engaging. The jangling guitars support Ali like hooks that by the third listen will have you punch drunk in love. All the while singer Mark Cullen tries to get a Saturday night organised, he could be singing about cricket such is the effervescence in the shakedown. ‘Mistake’ appeared on a Melody Maker ‘Maker Shaker 3’ tape (ah, that dreaded medium), nobody remembers the other artists from the same compilation either (Puressence, The Gyres and Coast). Here’s your chance to give pop’s answer to Carlos the Jackal a happy ever after. KD

Bawl – Mistake

Album: Year Zero
Year: 1996

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