“We are a small group that enjoys hi-fi and lo-fi sounds be it from a C64 or a Moog. Electronic music is our passion.” And then nothing, those enthralled by this mini electronic masterpiece will be frustrated if they were expecting to explore the background to Unicorn Dream Attack. Custom Music Records who will be releasing Unicorn Dream Attack’s EP sometime this year is similarly vague in its depiction of its artists. Perhaps it was supposed to be this way, voiceless tunes by faceless artists producing music with more heart than a thousand indie bands could muster over a whole career. Because thats what ‘W34k 4nd Sm4ll’ is, a junket to a perfect planet where the winters produce fluffy white snow and the summer’s appear to exist without nose jamming pollen. Jean Michel Jarre is a statue in the main square and Add N to (X) are number one all year round. Plug yourself in and dream of that creation from weird science. KD
Unicorn Dream Attack – W34k 4nd Sm4ll
More Info: Official & Myspace
Download The Album Soon: CMR019
Year: 2007
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