Lively and vibrant stuff, guitars so intricate and brass so illuminating and together they make for a combination that can’t help but put gas in the happiness index. We’re surrounded on all sides by ‘Appalachian Landscape’ and it feels like a visceral thrill that you rarely get from a piece of music but this is feeling of movement without leaving the safety of your couch. There is a narrative too as if the ground being covered gets us closer to the place we call home. I heard some calypso in there believe it or not but most of all I felt the beating heart of a Helsinki combo who know how to tap into the human spirit while taking cues from nature all around. So what we get is music flush with possibility and it offers restorative properties as a result. Way out of my usual listening forays but this is just too good to ignore. The last time I felt this feeling it was down to another Scandinavian act known as Jaga Jazzist. Vibrancy on record is what it is. KH
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