Pinkie – Say After Me

As you probably know by now I am prone to extreme bouts of effusiveness on occasion. Sorry about that, it’s just that once in a while I become so smitten with a particular song that I drop all my calm-down-you-idiot self control mechanisms. Well, it’s happened again with Pinkie (named after a character in Graham Green’s book ‘Brighton Rock’), an artist I had never heard of up to last night. But a tip from Alex Sharkey, the lead singer with the band has turned my world upside down (see I told you!). Alex Sharkey has considerable pedigree, being a part of Brighter who were signed to the hugely influential Sarah Records. Pinkie is his latest project and his new album, the appropriately titled, ‘Lush’ is about to drop. This will be Pinkie’s third record, its predecessor ‘Sharon Fussy’ plied its trade between the good ships Teenage Fanclub and the Field Mice. And if that is not enough to get you warmed up then ‘Say After Me’ should. Sporting jangling guitars and tender vocals it spills from the speakers like recently distilled indie gold. Hip hip hooray for this perky little record. KD

Pinkie – Say After Me

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Pinkie
Year: 2004

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