Butterfly Bangs – Flowers In A Box

Ah yeah, Butterfly Bangs, a not terribly original 4-piece from Dorset. But then, when did a lack of imagination ever stop great music from being created. Right at this moment in time with the weekend on the horizon ‘Flowers In A Box’ sounds like a scattershot symphony. The beats are nicely pronounced, the chords a ragged gang of marauding henchman and you’ve got love any song that descends to peaceful bliss to only then reverse into full blown distractive melody overrun. Yep, ‘Flowers In A Box’ could so easily have been an insect fart but instead ends up becoming an elephant parade. KD

Butterfly Bangs – Flowers In A Box

Watch The Video To On The Street

More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Butterfly Bangs
Year: 2006

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  1. November 25, 2007

    Hello and thanks for the review, although I feel that i must point out that we are not, as you suggest, “a not-terribly original four-piece from devon”.As our many fans will be quick to point out, we are in fact a not very original four-piece from Dorset – although most of the band has decamped to El Londres.With balls in hand i would also like to point you all in the direction of our next single “Junk Sky” which will be released on Weekender Records in March 08. You’re going to love it.Thanks again, stay in touch,Emmanuel Ross, Butterfly Bangs.

  2. November 25, 2007

    Oops, thanks Emmanuel, bit embarrassed about that, hope you don’t take to heart my mini jibe and anyway I think you’ll find that I really do love this song. All the best.

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