The Silent Years – Someone To Keep Us Warm

Around Christmas time Detroit band the Silent Years announced that they were giving their eponymous debut album away for free. The gesture came with a nice touch as there was no guilt promoting tip jars to be seen in the general area as you snapped up the freebie. So what would push a generously gifted young band into giving their goods away for free? Well they probably listened closely to that wise new proverb that said ‘it’s better that lots of people get to hear your music gratis rather than a few who pay for it’. If such a policy was adopted by newbies everywhere they would be giving themselves the best opportunity to be heard. Ok, they won’t become flush overnight from record sales but what price can you put on a hoard of eager new fans? ‘Someone To Keep Us Warm’ displays what the Silent Years are capable of and is one of 12 reasons why their sophomore is eagerly anticipated. KD

The Silent Years – Someone To Keep Us Warm

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More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: The Silent Years
Year: 2006

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