The Gorgeous Colours launched their own kickstarteresque fund during the summer and in the process found out just how many people out there think they’re both the rainbow and the elusive pot of gold underneath. Our last meet was on foot of their glorious eponymous debut with ‘Means To An End’ finding itself well within the confines of our top 42 songs for 2008. The title track from ‘The Creatures Down Below’ is likely to replicate that feat owing to its delicate craft and innate pop sensibilities. The promo video accompanying the song is pretty stark and disturbing so for today we’ll stick to the rich harmonies and wanton experimentation which never detracts from what is close to the premier piece of Irish pop I’ve heard all year. There’s probably no end to this bands talent so strap yourself in for lots of future treats. KH
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Gorgeous Colours
Year: 2010
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