You may have witnessed all of its party tricks within the first 30 seconds but there is no denying the groovy hypnotic vibe to Jeremy Jay’s ‘Alpha Rhythm’. Jay appears unfeasibly young and calls Angel Town his home, which means there is more than the smell of a gimmick about the whole thing. Even his record label K Records (remember K-Tel?) has that feeling of made up fantasy about it (witness those bright dayglo 70’s colours) but I guess until we hear otherwise we can take it that everything is kosher and above board. There is a new LP in the offing ‘A Place Where We Can Go’ so expect Jeremy Jay to go interstellar later this year. Walking on air has proven a breeze so far so no doubt he’ll take to the water with much the same aplomb. KD
Jeremy Jay – Alpha Rhythm
More Info: Official & Myspace
Buy Songs: Milli & Vanilli
Year: 2008
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