Now that is how you take the wind out of a day that has torn us asunder. ‘Takes Time’ is a lovely talking to, the kind that has charm and advice and no little folk cherubic turns so that we’re feeling a whole lot better come the end. Philadelphia’s Nylon Ghost put effort and thought into the trimmings too, brass flits by, a strum offer steady company and of course a general feeling of languid happiness abounds. The clear and tender dominance however comes from a singer who offers a gentle hand to steady the nerves and all that self doubt. Gorgeous stuff and with the added glow of a build that offers up noise and thunder while never taking from the quiet undertow at the same time. Perfectly formed from a group of friends making plenty more of them as they go. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:Offical Hear More Songs:Nylon Ghost Year: 2024
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