Remember those days when bands like the Undertones gave us fury, nah me neither but I would imagine it the feeling was akin to happening upon numbers like Casual Drag’s ‘Can You Hear Me Now?’. The frisson you see has the capacity to turn grey old days into something much more colourful and rebellious. I mean the track has it all when it comes to punk spirit, angular riffs, beats so sharp and a singer (Richard Clarke) who knows how to throw himself around with abandonment. I would imagine it is going to send White Stripes fans into a tizzy for this is that duo but with the hyperthrust set to lightspeed. Edinburgh’s Casual Drag just love treating us like a rag doll and while as we take flight we start to believe it could the best bit of pogoing we’ve engaged in all year. Yep, teenage kicks for all. KH
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