No sure if it helped that I was wandering through a summer meadow when I heard ‘A Cloud of Stars’ for the first time, or whether it was just the childlike wonder of the piece. There is Sigur Ros but the words though do have a Nick Cave quality, evocative from the first to last breath – so much so that this could be the centrepiece for a visual drama. Found it best to close ones eyes and let Cork’s Boa Morte work their considerable magic (in glorious cahoots with composer Justin Grounds it must be said). I think the last time I felt the same kind effect was from various parts of the Late Cord’s ‘Lights From The Wheelhouse’. There is time and space amid the main sequences here so Boa Morte give us room to breathe and imaginate ourselves – to the point of drawing hibernating emotions to the surface. I felt it, I felt it deep down and that is a rare quality from a set of creatives to inspire in a grown adult. The sound of being young again, the gift of wonder once again at our beck and call. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:Offical Hear More Songs:Walk Me Home Year: 2024
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