There’s a slacker quality to that opening but you’d be foolish to hang your hat on it staying that way for ‘Money’ sure does an ambition to fly and we’re talking way above the cloud and into the outer atmosphere Bends-like Radiohead endeavour. The real charm though comes from the pilot who offers a steady hand a vocal direction that has a classic chanteuse to a degree that Dublin Kynsy has a genuine classic rock feel. But that is not to sound in the least bit hoary because ‘Money’ is flash with invention, never standing still and landing at a destination named anthemic well before the end. This is simply wonderful, a confident strut but never over-egged so even though it is a stomper we’re rooting for this act every step of the way. Joyous stuff. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:Official Hear More Songs:Kynsy Year: 2024
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