I must say that ‘All Gone’ had me reminded of ‘La Femme D’argent’ by Air – a classic electronic instrumental and something I return to time and again. So Gusty Winds Ahead (!) had us engaged from the start and even after it moved into non Gallic territory because there is a pop flourish to proceedings and a winning nose for adding little subtleties (the brass) that means even though things move along at a glacial pace there is pop majesty at every turn. The kind of diversion that slows the pulse but raises the heartbeat due to the romance in store every step of the way. Just gorgeous, a Simon & Garfunkel like melodic folk swell from this one man band from LA that proves to be a keeper. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:Offical Hear More Songs:Hannah Mohan Year: 2024
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