A drama is drawn before our very ears, slow and tempered but with an undercarraige that copiously fuels itself from an England act with the incessant and unsleeping manner of cerebral inner turmoil. You just know that Prince of Sweden are going to find solace, balance and harmony but this is mid journey on that journey. The sheer beauty of the drama is clear though, everything is considered, James Phippen’s voice rings imperious amid playing that has a grandiose quality that is doused in tears, longing and regret but never feels like it going to bring us down. And that is because ‘The Electric Blue’ rings with a true majesty – a cinematic realisation that there is beauty in the working it all out and as such it gives the rest of us reason to breathe in the toil because in order to appreciate life it can’t be any other way. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:Official Hear More Songs:The Electric Blue Year: 2024
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