An early thought or two of Grizzly Bear mixed with the Innocence Mission which I put that down to the thread of darkness to the mood, the undeniable swirl of atmosphere as Corey Laitman has us from the word go. And you know what ‘Handfuls’ does too, why it just makes us feel like it is time to swoon over a tune all over again. That is because at its heart is an old romantic who believes in the power of the world all around to overcome whatever hurdle comes our way. ‘Handfuls’ gently lifts us out of the hole and towards the brighter sky all around. Dreaming made possible again, but this time with our eyes and ears wide open. Majestic. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:Official Hear More Songs:Cloudbelly Year: 2024
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