Now that is a slow roll, the kind that is made for first thing in the morning or last thing at night because there is a Villagers quality to ‘When I Calm Dow’n. Electronic flourishes but at the helm a singer (Blake Henderson) who has a unique kind of pitch wherein it feels as if they are live navigating all the twists and turns of the predicament he find themselves in. Despite the wrangling for breath, the art of survival in the song makes for a fascinating and uplifting listen. The kind that gets us thinking we can turn things around ourselves. So very different, but TaughtMe are showing us the way forward at the same time. A serious statement of intent from this act who have been articulating neatly for 20 years now. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:Official Hear More Songs:TaughtMe Year: 2023
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