Now if I hadn’t have spotted name I wouldn’t have guessed early on that this was Pale Puma but before the half minute was out their 90’s dreampop machinations became obvious and in the process they most reminded me of Irish act Brian and in particular their ‘Understand’ (as well as ‘Pearl’ by Chapterhouse). ‘LMFG’ is much better produced mind you, you can feel the pulsation and you can taste the feeling in those harmonies that get me everytime. Yes there will be twee pop tears shed to this track and for that and probably a dozen other reasons we are again kneeling at the altar of his special Dutch act.Django Duijns, Rosie Derksen, Remy de Kok and Roemer Vermeulen we are so appreciative for what you do. Keep doing it! KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:Official Hear More Songs:Pale Puma Year: 2023
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