From the dog barking to the off-kilter flow ‘Private Hell’ sure comes at us in its own unique way. All led by a singer (Conor Quinn) with character and brio, joined here and there by a second voice (Niamh Kirby) who proves to be his perfect foil. And it blooms, oh boy it blooms so that before the first minute is out we’ve stopped all other activity to take in all that Good Strangers have to offer. Not least because we want to know how this visceral drama is going to play out and for some there might be a route to pogoing on the spot too, especially when the lid is finally blown and this Irish act (Mullingar now has a set of champions beyond yer man out of One Direction) remind us of peak Arcade Fire and all the exhilaration that went with that. That is not a strict comparison though because I also heard elements of New Order and even the Killers at times, but most of all ‘Private Hell’ just kicked with the essence of a band who’ve got us on their side inside the space of a single song. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:Official Hear More Songs:Good Strangers Year: 2023
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