‘Hang on to Me’ is the way we had remembered Sydney’s Fallon Cush and I am not sure we ever want them to change for there is a gap for music this relaxed but so well constructed. It reminded me of the Harvest Ministers/ the Waterboys/Mojave 3 because there is a folk quality to the whole atmosphere that might just come into its own come its live reveal. ‘Hang on to Me’ is an old romantic, a teary-eyed work that wears its heart on its sleeve and which gives us back some of the innocence and wonder that we might have lost along the way. It struck a chord, needed Fallon Cush back in my life more than I had realised. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in our Fresh Indie playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:Fallon CushYear: 2023
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