Could it be that Strange Weather (Sean Brennan and friends) have come straight from an evening of Ennio Morricone soundtracks for the opening suggests as much. Thing is they also have a whole lot more in their saddlebag too, romance and an anthemic sweep beyond the prairie and the rough and ready cowboy set. ‘The Canary’ really just never lets up and if anything gets to a point where I thought we were experiencing a remake of ‘Live & Let Die’ by Wings. Faultless stuff and not a sinner nor a gunslinger was harmed in the making. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:Strange WeatherYear: 2023
[…] are rolling in for our latest song “The Canary” – Mp3 Hugger called it “Bonkers, brilliant, and unclassifiable”, Visual Atelier 8 described it as […]
[…] are rolling in for our latest song “The Canary” – Mp3 Hugger called it “Bonkers, brilliant, and unclassifiable”, Visual Atelier 8 described it as […]