Is that the howling wind I thought to myself as it howled outside the window at the same time. Insideawave are more sophisticated than that though as they combine Radiohead and slivers of Sigur Ros in a piece of work that has a definite route to groove too. The Dubliners do so with a minimalism, passion to a degree that we might be lifted by its presence because it feel uncommon to human characteristics. ‘Start’ is tapping into something beyond the usual, a little Art Garfunkel actually but remixed to high heavens and back. With so much swirling action I felt compelled to let it work its magic as I took down all the usual defences I have for not giving myself over to the music. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:InsideawaveYear: 2023
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