That is sheer rampaging but I must say I do like the way Sweden’s Gryningen have included plenty of character and can shapeshift with the best of the them. ‘Radioskugga’ does have a 90’s state of mind, dirty, loud but with the proper essence of song entangled in all that experimental zeal. Yes, sure does make the kind of noise that would keep me up at night, but gladly insomniac because ‘Radioskugga’ does everything that it should do to throw us into a state of chaos. Didn’t want it to end, so I’m back to the start again and again and again. This Gothenburg’s debut LP is called ‘Kura Skymning’. Giving me Los Campesinos! goosebumps here. KH
mp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:GryningenYear: 2022
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