There is a swirl but it comes to us with a wispy kind of comfort blanket effect. The words appear steeped in tears, the result of plenty brokenness but the romance is still very must present. Reminded of Chris Martin, the way that Rainbow Ranger can turn hearbreak into something to better us. The first time I felt a chill came at the 90 second mark, a change of gear that comes with moving from staring out windows to doing something about the predicament. All reads like glorious to me and the kind of intention we need to close off proceedings before the end of the year. ‘One Little Fight’ is uplifting stuff and beautifully packaged as to help fill in the gaps for those who need to feel whole once again. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:Rainbow RangerYear: 2022
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