As gentle as we’d expect from Sammy, an artist we’ve only recently discovered and whom has since occupied the same space as Soak in giving us quiet opuses that describe the little things in life in glorious detail. On this occasion the tone is so quiet it really does have us blocking out everything else so we can be part of the romance even if it is ultimately fading. What strikes me is how much emotion can be contained in such minimalist presentations, similar to Villagers in that respect so that it takes a rerun or two to properly appreciate all the subtleties. Reminded me of Kate Bush’s ‘The Man with a Child in his Eyes’ but there is so much individuality here it is primarly a precious act doing what they do best. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:Sammy CopleyYear: 2022
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