June is the kindest month for that is when the rhododendrons are in full bloom round my home place and it is also the occasion when things get a little more free and easy after the ravages of the winter. And Norway’s Mathias Gundhus has created something that Sufjan Stevens would be proud of here, but at the other end of the year from where that bard usually lands his little festive lullabys. So why can’t Mathias own this time of the year, he has done enough here to have many a heart sweel at the sweetness of his ode to mid-year and contentment in general. Ever so lovely and reminding of the wonderful Loney, Dear as it progressed to the centerpiece. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:Mathias GundhusYear: 2022
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