Well this is going off the beaten path I must say, the vocals coming from a different genre than you’d expect in a giddy dance song but it definitely brings with it a certain charm. And once we get with what ‘Greta’s Inn’ is about and that it is more a drift away from the dancefloor and into a more all-consuming groove. In other words it works its magic by stealth to a degree that we were getting quite consumed by the whole affair by the end, in fact it had something of the season of goodwill going on. Yes the celestial beings or just characters for any tavern you care to mention featured here just worked their magic and we didn’t touch a drop to appreciate the lack of world weariness that ensued. An absolute surprise, a real joy. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:Loren BeriYear: 2022
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