What a big production, the kind that could go several ways if one what to start summarising by those opening sequences but what ‘Remnant’ had was that progressive element throughout that appeared to be powering its every moves. The main takeaway however was of a band with so much ambition as to feel like this song belongs in much loftier surrounds than the auspices of our speakers. There are tempo switches aplenty so while the noise is forever infernal the momentum just goes from incandescent to inferno. And all the while the fire is being stoked by a singer who rides atop all the guitar post-rock like licks and drumming could have been issued from atop Mount Kilimanjaro. The whole effect is immersive, shoegaze like in its intensity but bringing a more outrospective personality so rather than think we need to look inwards it makes us want to take on the world. Bad Bloom have created a beautiful monster here, montages of sound that give us hope that the alt scene might just have one of its brightest prospects for 2022 right here. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:Bad BloomYear: 2022
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