What a way to modernise the way things were, in terms of the bard in the corner belting out a song even though he’d downed plenty of plain. It is simple but such is the uniquely Irish way that the intonations are focused ‘Rebel Song’ makes for magnetic stuff. The sparse arrangement allows for the listener to focus on a singer who combines melancholy with an undying sense of hope and as such ‘Rebel Song’ makes for a rich take on how to build on what has gone on before while sounding completely modern. A special record then from Dónal Kearney, Zach Trouton and Michael Mormecha, even more so as it reminds of Villagers – an act who also make songs of quiet destiny. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:TRÚYear: 2022
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