Wasn’t expecting to be quite taken by anything else on this release following the opening wonder of ‘Country Turning’ and initially that expectation was sound. But again Daniel McDonagh plays what is now becoming a familiar trick of presenting a tune with two distinct sides. So we get an opening that while not quite a wail feels a bit down on its luck, it is however periodically followed by the flipside of its personality and that is an occasion to witness the sun break through the clouds. Allied to that is the playing that has a traditional bent and reminded me of R.E.M. a little. ‘Sing. Memory’ appears more of a thinker than its predecessor and so we get large swathes of cooing and musical tidings to afford the listener ample time to close their eyes and just think nice things. The 5 minutes plus just fly by and by the end it feels we’ve gone through something rather spiritual. KHmp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!More Info:OfficialHear More Songs:Daniel McDonaghYear: 2022
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