What made me think that this could be Massive Attack but with their pop nodes turned up to the max, not sure but that is what occurred to me initially. It was the Cardigans that waltzed into our lives thereafter and that sound they were capable of back in 1995 on that Life LP. Hard to believe that Strange Kind of Love is only around for 2 minutes for it takes on a presence beyond that kind of timeframe. Another reminder, and I realise this makes three, is Brighton’s Mummers who had a chanteuse like here who occupied our minds while the music added the daintiness of a cherry on top. So simple, but oh so effective to a degree that I am stuck on repeat most of the afternoon. And yes I realise I was slow to this track’s cause, but I’m glad I got their in the end! KH
mp3hugger’s best new music in 2022 playlist!
More Info: Official
Hear More Songs: The Lovelines
Year: 2022
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