You’ll probably know that ‘Golden Hour’ resonates with us but only once the song has slipped into a subtle flow that is defined by the shiniest of jangle. It comes courtesy of a band from Seattle, led by Garrett Hobba, who are signed to a German label called Tapete Records. Means for one thing that Garrett and chums get to go on splendid European jaunts when such things might not have been possible on similarly sized stateside constructs. ‘Golden Hour’ opens up the bands new record ‘Departure’ and boy is it a joy to hear it unveil its treasure chest of sucrose melodies and chiming chords. That it can sound so fertile and awash with possibility is remarkable given that Hobba almost died during the recording of the album due to respiratory issues resulting from his damp sleeping quarters. Those warm European breezes should be the start of his bountiful rewards for producing such a wonderful record. KD
The Soft Hills – Golden Hour
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Soft Hills
Year: 2014
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