The Stone Roses – Shoot You Down

The Stone Roses

Hammock time has arrived for a week or so and quite predictably ye olde hugger finds himself reverting to type in a hazy lazy mountain of late 80’s/early 90’s indie gems. Yep, as the sun goes down and the kiddies dream of curious George it will be a chorus manufactured in Manchester that will the tonic of choice. 24 years it is now since the Roses eponymous debut and it has not diluted one iota in the intervening period. ‘The Second Coming’ and their mid 90’s break-up remains a soul destroying memory but in pushing that to the side and concentrating on the list of peerless singles that lead up to the best debut of all time there was no band from my generation that could match them. And why am I telling you all this, well, because I want you to know”¦KD

The Stone Roses – Shoot You Down

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Stone Roses
Year: 2013

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