Despite liking what I heard first time around and for the initial few days I have yet to return to ‘MBV’ beyond those early listening sessions. A curious turn of events given the altar that stands at my bedside to its predecessor, a sound which is replicated and reblended on this year’s successor. While it will never be as dispiriting an experience as ‘The Second Coming’ I’m beginning to think we’d have been better served living off the gift that ‘Loveless’ forever seemed to give. Perhaps a selfish notion given how much adulation has been thrown in ‘MBV’s direction from both the populace and critical masses. I just can’t help being unmoved but perhaps time and future listens will heal the emptiness within. In the meantime I am just appreciating how ‘Soon’ is now. KD
My Bloody Valentine – Soon
More Info: Official
Buy Songs: My Bloody Valentine
Year: 1991
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