

When it comes to listening to digital music iTunes remains the dominant player, not because it offers a particularly brilliant service (it offers a particularly poor one in my book) but because the proprietary obsessed Apple are behind it and the general public’s love-in with the company’s products seems impervious to criticism. In the download market Amazon, eMusic and a few other smaller players take up the slack, if we conveniently ignore by far the biggest supplier of music downloads.

But for all that the days where you feel you must own your music collection might be coming to an end. Granted vinyl is making a comeback but that is in the main because it is working off a very low base. CD sales are on a download spiral and if you believe the prophets of doom within the music industry download files could be about to follow them. The humble mp3’s grim reaper appears to be the streaming services, new ones of which are popping up daily.

The concept of streaming makes a great case for the future. Why bother spending years clogging up your hard drive when there is services out there that have seamlessly clogged up their own servers with a thousand times the amount you could possibly amass. And it’s all there ready for you to listen to, on any device that can be connected to the internet. With a little careful investigation (Spotify is our choice) you can listen to as much music as you want for free once you are prepared to put up with the odd advert. With broadband and Wi-Fi connections now reaching into every facet of where we conduct life it seems that streaming’s biggest drawback will soon not be a consideration at all.

Two new players in the streaming music market might even have found a new direction in this ever evolving strand of the music industry. Both and Yuleplay build their near all-encompassing list of streaming tunes from the riches that youtube has to offer. They create an embedded world of video but one that is sophistically pruned by the admin people and users of the site. While Yuleplay is entirely concerned with Christmas music is branding itself as being all things to all people. Both sides have the playlist at the kernel of their mission statement and both can offer both video and streaming, which is something that Spotify, Pandora, Deezer et al cannot match. Both Yuleplay and are free in terms of use and adverts and while still looks a tad beta Yuleplay appears to be mostly there in accommodating your every music need this Christmas and every one after that. KD

Burning Codes – Streaming

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Burning Codes
Year: 2010

Buy mp3hugger a Coffee

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